Historical Landmarks

The Serra da Estrela Sheep is a species with very distant origins. These sheep evolved from wild forms such as the Ovis aries palustris, the Asian Mouflon - Ovis aries orientalis and the European Mouflon - Ovis aries musimon, the latter of which is thought to have given rise to all European domestic breeds.

According to Belda and Trujillano (1986), domestication took place at a single location in the Middle East in the Fertile Crescent from the Asian Mouflon 10,000 years ago. After domestication in this part of the world and through human migration, sheep moved on to Asia Minor, the Balkans, the Danube basin, Central Europe and the Rhone basin, reaching the Mediterranean coast in the south of France, where the European Mouflon appeared. Sheep later crossed the Pyrenees and entered the Iberian Peninsula around 5,000 BC.


As there are various theories about when and where the domestication of these animals began, these details are still under discussion. One of the theories, for example, states that sheep arrived on the Iberian Peninsula via the Strait of Gibraltar, passing through Egypt and North Africa.  


There are several references to sheep farming in this mountainous area, from the great Viriathus, ‘shepherd’ of the Hermínios, to Gil Vicente's “Tragicomédia Pastoril da Serra da Estrela” (Shepherd’s Tragical Comedy of the Serra da Estrela). “Bordaleiro”, the Portuguese name of the “burdo” sheep referred to by Columela (4 AD – 70 AD), was coined by Fernão de Oliveira, author of the first Portuguese grammar published in 1536 and translator of Columela's voluminous work De re rustica in 1565.


With etymological accuracy, Fernão de Oliveira derived the name “Bordaleiro” from the Portuguese word “burdo” (meaning ‘coarse’).






5,000 BC




The European mouflon arrives at the Iberian Peninsula

16th century




Fernão de Oliveira coins the name "bordaleiro"





Recordkeeping of genealogies and dairy benchmarking begins





National Association of Serra da Estrela Sheep Breeders, "ANCOSE"





Creation of the Genealogical Record Book of the Serra da Estrela Sheep Breed





Exhibiting at the Paris International Agricultural Show





Artificial Insemination process implemented





Genetic Assessment process begins





No. of breeders: 260
No. of animals: 21,500


During the 20th century, scientific interest in the breed grew, with more in-depth genetic study, dairy benchmarking (checking the breed’s productive potential and improving it) and the creation of the Serra da Estrela Sheep Breed Genealogical Book.


The latter’s primary objective is to ensure the authenticity of the breed, contribute to its zootechnical progress and favour the spread of good breeding stock.